Mike mccullough | Lead pastor

Born and raised in Dallas, Mike grew up in the church but it wasn’t until a week at a Christian summer camp in 6th grade that God revealed the truth of the gospel and he place His faith in Jesus. Since then, Mike’s journey with God has been nothing but grace upon grace in getting to serve in many ministry and corporate roles helping build and equip teams.

After graduating from Dallas Theological Seminary in 2008, Mike was ordained and served as a Youth Pastor before moving to plant a church in the north-Dallas area in 2011. He then took a season working in leadership roles at a para-church ministry and also served in the for-profit world. In the fall of 2020 he accepted the role of Executive Pastor at Chantilly Bible Church bringing his heart for the gospel, for God’s church and for building strong teams centered around a common mission.

His met his better half, Erin, while serving on church staff and they were married in 2011. After walking through the hardship of infertility, God blessed Mike and Erin with their three beautiful children (Eli, Maddie and Aiden) through embryo adoption (and they would love to tell you about it!). His joys are spending time with his family, showing no self control when it comes to chips and salsa, playing tennis and guitar (not simultaneously) and prides himself as a chocolate chip cookie connoisseur.



Milt Johnson | Shepherding pastor

Milt grew up on the South Jersey shore, and as a child began attending a nearby church. Milt's Sunday school teacher there was instrumental in introducing him to the gospel. As Milt grew, his desire to know God's Word also grew and he decided to attend Philadelphia College of the Bible (now Cairn University), where he majored in Bible and minored in Pastoral Studies. After graduating in 1983, Milt married his wife, Valerie, and shortly after, Milt attended Capital Bible Seminary in Maryland, obtaining his Master of Divinity degree in 1987.

Uncertain where God wanted him to serve professionally, Milt spent the next few years at United Parcel Service, managing a restaurant, and selling automobile parts. Around this period of time, Milt and Val began attending CBC, where God led Milt to join the staff in 1990. Since being on staff, Milt has overseen children's ministries, missions, adult education, community groups, pastoral care, and served for four years as pastor to the Chinese-speaking members of our congregation. Milt and Val have also maintained a vibrant ministry of pastoral training and encouragement with CBC's small sister church in Diepenbeek, Belgium, making 27 ministry trips in the last 23 years. God raised up Milt to serve as CBC's senior pastor from 2011 until 2024, when he transitioned to the role of Shepherding Pastor.

Milt loves movies, reading, history, traveling, walking his dogs, and a strong cup of coffee! But most of all, he loves just hanging out with family!




John grew up in the Philippines, the UAE and then the US where he came to Christ through the example of his mom and youth pastor. After earning his B.S. in Biology at the University of Mary Washington, he served on the front lines of the 2003 Iraq war with his Marines then obtained an M.A. in Christian Counseling and Discipleship from Capital Bible Seminary in 2006 with a concentration in youth ministry. John has served on staff with young adults, worship, missions and youth, but now oversees the family ministry team. John and his wife Sarah have travelled around the world, enjoy triathlons and have five energetic kids whom they take climbing and exploring. Yip! Yip!




Ben spent his childhood in a city surrounded by cornfields in northwest Ohio, where God saved him in high school through a Bible study. He then went to "The Ohio State University," which he will gladly tell you all about. While there, he met his wife Michelle during a summer missions program in Honduras. After getting married in 2018, they moved to Louisville, Kentucky where Ben graduated with his Master of Divinity from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Prior to CBC, he worked in various ministry roles, including college, children’s and youth ministries. In the spring of 2023, Ben and Michelle got the best gift of all when they welcomed their daughter, Vanessa, into their family. Then, in the fall of 2023, God led Ben to join Chantilly Bible Church as the Student Ministries Pastor. In his free time, Ben enjoys a round of golf, playing basketball, and doing just about anything with Michelle and Vanessa.




Searching for identity has been a major theme of James’ life story: from being adopted as a child, through a life as a successful culinary professional. Ultimately, James found that identity in being a child of God, redeemed by His grace, through the Lord Jesus Christ. God has worked powerfully in James’ life through his family, marriage, and even through challenges. He is grateful for how God has used all things to lead James to Him.

James testimony is the reason why he loves God, and why he is passionate about making sure no one feels unwelcome or alone at Chantilly Bible Church. CBC’s mission is to make fully devoted followers of Christ who love God and love others. James’ hope is that you will join the CBC family, feel like you belong, and know that you are loved.

James is our Community and Connections Director. He and his wife, Siu, have two college-age daughters, and live in Ashburn, Virginia.

If you have any questions about our church family, community groups, serving, or getting connected here at CBC, he would LOVE to hear from you.




Originally from Cochabamba, Bolivia, Ela’s family immigrated to the US in 1997. She came to faith in Jesus after hearing the gospel during the lockdown of 2020. CBC was the first church she visited after being saved but she knew that it was home. In 2022 the Lord called Ela out of her career in the beauty industry to partner with us in the gospel full-time as Office Administrator. Her experience includes salon management, event coordination and teaching. Ela loves studying the Bible, collecting books, fashion thrifting, and intentional time with friends and family.




Kyle is a Northern Virginia native raised in a Christian home and was graciously saved at the age of 11. He graduated in 2019 with a degree in Biblical Studies & Worship Leadership from a Christian liberal arts university in South Carolina, where he remained for a few years to pursue a seminary degree and work with a local church. The Lord called Kyle back to the DMV area in May of 2022 to join the staff of Chantilly Bible Church as Worship & Communications Director. Kyle loves to worship the Lord through song, whether on his own or surrounded by God’s people. He also enjoys brewing and drinking third-wave coffee (of which he is known as bit of a snob), listening to and playing a variety of musical genres, and spending way too much time with his friends.




As a child and adolescent, Matt lived in Central and South America. Matt's family moved to Northern Virginia when he was 10. Matt accepted Christ as Savior in September 1982. He married Cheryl in 1985. They started attending CBC in 1990 while Cheryl was expecting their second of six children. Matt and Cheryl served as 3rd and 4th grade Sunday school teachers for many years, among other ministries. Matt retired from UPS in 2017 and joined the CBC staff in March 2020. Matt is Director of Hispanic Ministries and enjoys laughing with his hermanos. Matt also enjoys worshipping God in His creation and in quiet places. He enjoys time with loved ones and meeting new people, and he especially loves to hear how people came to know Jesus as Savior.




Rita grew up in rural Pennsylvania as a pastor’s kid and put her faith in Christ when she was five at a Good News Club party.  At age 13, she dedicated her life fully to follow Jesus and began serving as a summer camp counselor during high school. She attended Liberty University as an English major with a minor in Biblical studies and started going on mission trips to El Salvador. After graduation, she moved there to teach in international and missionary schools.

After seven years of teaching in El Salvador and meeting her husband there, she moved back to the states and continued teaching in Christian and classical schools. She has a graduate certificate in classical Christian studies and has taught various grades and subjects for 25 years. She lives in Centerville with her husband and three children and two sweet doggies. She loves music, history, reading, gardening, baking, and playing flute.



jenny dulaney | Children's Ministries ADMINISTRATOR

Jenny placed her trust in Christ as her Savior while attending Good News Club, when her mother opened up their home each week to teach neighborhood kids about Christ. Upon graduating from Liberty University with a degree in Information Systems, Jenny moved to Northern Virginia for work, and started attending CBC. In 2015, she started working on staff as the administrator for Children’s Ministries, which was a natural fit since, as she was growing up, Jenny saw her parents model being involved in church, and they provided her with many opportunities to serve children through Sunday School, VBS, Pioneer Girls, and other activities. Jenny and her husband Jeff have two young adult children. In her spare time, she enjoys reading and watching classic TV shows.



pam watson | student Ministries Assistant

Pam grew up in the Metro DC area on the other side of the Potomac in Maryland. She placed her faith in Christ during elementary school, but really began to grow deeper in high school and college. Pam graduated with honors from James Madison University with a degree in Psychology and Early Childhood Education. She served in full-time ministry on college campuses with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) for 10 years. Pam married her husband, Theo, in 2000. They have two young adult children. The Watsons came to Chantilly Bible Church in the summer of 2008. Pam joined our CBC staff in 2019. Pam is a part of our Family Ministries team serving as the Student Ministries Assistant. In her free time, Pam enjoys doing crossword puzzles, watching movies, and hanging out with her family and friends.




Regina was born and raised in Hong Kong. She came to the USA in 1987 and graduated in 1990 with a degree in Business Management with a major in Accounting at the University at Buffalo (UB). She was a CPA in the Commonwealth of Virginia from 1995 to 2022.  She was introduced to Christianity when she was in the Catholic Elementary school. She joined the Christian student fellowship while she was studying at UB and was baptized in VA in 1994. She and her family started attending CBC in 1997. She was a Senior Accountant at Security & Exchange Commission (SEC) for 10 years before she retired in April 2022. Prior to that, she had worked for the Department of Agriculture (USDA), and PricewaterhouseCoopers. She joined the CBC staff in June 2022 as the Finance Director. Regina enjoys playing pickleball & travelling when she is not working.




Amy grew up in western Pennsylvania in a churchgoing family, and surrendered to Jesus as her Lord on a high school youth retreat.  She grew in faith during her undergraduate and graduate studies in international relations and China studies at Johns Hopkins University where she also met her husband, Tom.  Tom and Amy married in 1990 and have 4 children, 2 grown and 2 (adopted from China) in high school.  Amy stepped away from a government career to raise her family, and—having a passion for studying God’s word and growing alongside other women—she has served in military chapels and local churches wherever Tom’s Air Force career has taken them.  The Cantilinas have been at CBC since 2011, with Amy planning women’s retreats at CBC since 2012.  She stepped into the volunteer role as Women’s Ministry Coordinator at CBC in 2016.  An NCAA collegiate swimmer, Amy has also enjoyed competing in triathlons, open-water swims, and marathons, and currently teaches fitness classes at local gyms.   Amy loves to write to process what God is teaching her; she is currently working on a certification in Biblical counseling, with the hope of being better equipped to counsel her own heart and to come alongside women through life’s struggles.



Scripture always defines the church directly in relationship to Jesus, who is the Head of the church. But the local church is also given leaders who help us to follow Jesus together. Chantilly Bible Church is led by our elders (Acts 20:28; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-5), who are assisted by our church's staff and deacons.

Our elders are a group of men seeking to lead and equip the believers of Chantilly Bible Church so that we are all growing spiritually in Christ. Several of these men also serve on our pastoral staff, working to ensure that our church is faithful to the Scriptures and working to help each member grow as God intends.



Milt Johnson

Mike McCullough

John Ramira




Bill Bowers

Bill Bowers grew up in Christian home along the Jersey shore and had the privilege of many Godly men and women teaching and praying for him throughout his youth.  During his freshman year at VA Tech he fully committed his life to Christ through the Navigator campus ministry and was trained to disciple others for Christ over the next 4 plus years.

It was at VA Tech that Bill met his wife, Laura.  They were married shortly after graduation and began ministering together at a bible church in Northern Virginia, focusing on Christian Education, small group, and sports ministries.  

Bill and Laura came to Chantilly Bible Church in 1991 and have served in many ministry roles over the years but their passion is small group and one-on-one ministry with young adults.   

You can usually find Bill working around the coffee ministry on Sunday mornings and he would love to meet you and help you connect with others at the church and to grow into everything that God has designed you to be.



Tom Cantilina

Tom Cantilina grew up in New Jersey, the 4th of 5 children, literally growing up inside the walls of the church where his mom was a church music director and organist.  His faith was formed and grew through many years of family conversations at the dinner table, Sunday school, catechism, and youth group. 

Tom met his wife, Amy, in a campus fellowship during their undergraduate years at Johns Hopkins University where they were both discipled and trained in discipleship and Bible study leadership.  They have been married for nearly 34 years and have 4 children, two grown and two still at home. 

Tom did his medical studies through the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences and has served in the US Air Force for 30 years, serving as a family practice physician, a commander, and as a medical informaticist through his career across the country and overseas.

Tom loves to dig into the Bible to see the ways God has woven the threads of His story throughout Biblical history, all pointing to the hope of redemption that Jesus offers.  He loves to combine his passion for scripture with his gift of teaching in CBC’s adult Sunday school classes. 

In his scarce free time, Tom also enjoys cycling, running, swimming, tennis, hiking, and triathlon.  



Andrew Hu

Andrew was born in China. He and his wife June accepted Christ as their savior while attending graduate school at University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 1995. Andrew and June joined CBC in 2002. He served as a home group leader and deacon from 2004 to 2008, and was called to serve as an elder in 2009. Andrew teaches Chinese Sunday schools, leads men’s discipleship groups, and enjoys visiting Chinese home groups with his wife June. They are blessed with two daughters who both attended CBC prior to going to college.    



Ivan Moody

From birth I grew up attending church with my family where my father was always a pastor. Even though I grew up in a Christian home and had good Bible knowledge, it was not enough to give me complete happiness or real security. At the age of twelve, I realized that I needed a relationship with God and made a positive decision to trust in Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I asked him to forgive me of my sins. I was assured by the Holy Spirit of a guaranteed eternal life through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. During the course of my life I have experienced true peace and joy only available through my relationship and trust in God. Even when dealing with life’s hardships, I am secure & comforted by believing in the eternal promises of God. Because of what God has done for me, through Jesus Christ, I want to serve him and share his gift with others.



John Walbert

John grew up in Pennsylvania, attending church nearly every Sunday.  While the gospel message was not always clearly stated, the truths of the Scripture were always present in his life.  As a teenager, John put his trust in Christ via a Billy Graham crusade on TV.  During his college years, John drifted away from his commitment to Christ, but after graduating and moving to Maryland for his first job with the Federal government, life-changing events led him back to Christ.  While he has never completely left his Pennsylvania roots (a lifelong Phillies and Eagles fan), John moved to Virgina to be nearer to a new job with the government, and there he met his future wife, Kathie.  After they married, John & Kathie moved to Loudoun County where they settled and raised their family.  They are thankful for their three children, their spouses (two are married), and eight grandchildren, all of whom continue to bring them joy during their retirement years.



Jim Zellner

Jim has lived in Fairfax County his entire life, except for the short stint when he and his wife lived in Fairfax City. He accepted Jesus Christ at the age of seven after memorizing John 3:16 for Sunday school at a Plymouth Brethren church in Arlington, Virginia.  He graduated from George Mason University with a degree in electrical engineering and has been working in that field ever since. He and the lovely Mrs. Z began attending CBC in the summer of 2005, and shortly after, he started working as a youth leader.  Jim has taught 1st-2nd, 3rd-4th, and 5th-6th Sunday school along with leading children’s worship. Currently, he is teaching Jr. and Sr. high Sunday school and plans to graduate sometime this year.  To rest and rejuvenate, if he can’t play with his grandchildren, he likes to bike, hike, camp, run, swim, fly airplanes, or just about any other outdoor activity.  He aspires to be the oldest man to finish an Ironman Triathlon.  He and his wife, Lorie, have six adult children and five grandchildren and his heart is to see the next generation grow in their love and commitment to God.



Michael Zhao

Michael was raised as an atheist and held the belief that there was no God in the world.  But God did not abandon him. When he went to Virginia Tech graduate school to study physics three decades ago, he was immediately invited to attend a Christian student fellowship, and after a long journey of pursuit he accepted Christ as his savior and Lord. He has been an active member of CBC for two decades, serving in various roles such as teaching Sunday school classes, leading Chinese community groups, and serving as a deacon for several years. He has been serving as an elder since 2020. Michael has been married to his wife Wendy for over 30 years and they have two adult children who love the Lord. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking with family and friends in the beautiful Virginia mountains.



The term deacon simply means servant. At Chantilly Bible Church, the deacons serve the body at the direction of the elders. They focus largely on meeting physical needs within our fellowship, ministering to widows, homebound members, and coordinating various ministry activities.

Our current deacons are:


Minyuan Cai

Winland Chang

Jon Garber

Derek Knight

Frank Notarangelo

Josh Roundtree

Scott Russell

Jason Ryder

Daniel Sun

Dan Tate

Bin Wei

Haihong (Harold) Yang

Liqun Zhang