Chinese MinistrIES | 華語事工
At CBC, one of our Core Values is “Welcoming All Cultures” and that is shown in our ever-growing multi-cultural ministries. Our Chinese Ministry bring together believers with Chinese, Hong Kong, and Taiwanese ethnic backgrounds who desire to build relationships with God and one another through fellowship, studying God’s Word, prayer, and worship.
在香堤里圣经教会,我們的核心價值之一是“歡迎所有文化”,這體現在我們不斷發展的多元文化事工中。 我們的華語事工將有中國大陸,香港和台灣背景的信徒聚集在一起,他們渴望透過團契、學習神的話語、禱告和敬拜來與神建立關係,並彼此建立關係。
We have English to Chinese translations of our sermon notes and transcripts available at both our 9:30 and 11AM Worship Services. We also offer adult Sunday School classes in Mandarin at 9:30AM as well as Mandarin and Cantonese-speaking Community Groups that meet in homes during the week. The Chinese group holds a monthly Sunday afternoon fellowship in the church building, and meets together to celebrate various traditional Chinese holidays, such as Lunar New Year.
我們禮拜天上午 9:30 和11 點的兩堂主日崇拜,都會提供牧師講道和筆記的中文翻譯。 我們還提供禮拜天上午 9:30 的中文主日學課程,以及分散在各個社區,每週在家中聚會的社區小組,有國語和粵語。 華語部每月一個禮拜天下午會在教會舉行午餐團契和文體活动,另外還有慶祝農曆新年等各種中國傳統節日的聚餐活動。
We want to welcome you to Chantilly Bible Church and for you to know we have a place for you!
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